PROFIX mortars are composed of hydraulic cement that has been reinforced with additives and polymers. We manufacture these mortars so that their performance lives up to our customer's expectations, while still being easy to use. Since our products are mainly distributed through retail stores, we always keep in mind that the user is often a handyman expecting professional results. These mortars can be used on floors and on walls.


Hybrid technology, exclusive to PROFIX, makes traditional mortars more versatile. This technology is used in most PROFIX thin-set mortars. HYBRID technology solves two key aspects of ceramic installation:

Horizontal Installation: When installing large-sized tiles, the extra weight can cause the mortar to sag underneath, in which case, there is less mortar in direct contact with the back of the tile. This can cause bonding problems and make a levelled installation more difficult. HYBRID mortars are formulated to increase slump resistance during large sized tile installations

Vertical Installation: HYBRID technology gives the mortar greater slip resistance, and is therefore ideal for your vertical installation.